
Tash Patti

Tash Patti Guide: Essential Details

Tash game, also known as tash, is one of the oldest card games to have graced Indian soil. It has been enjoyed by many for decades. 

One of the primary reasons for its enormous popularity is that it pays out real money to users. 

In the Tash game, users are given a deck of cards that are identical in shape and size and are polished on both sides. 

Some rules must be followed when playing the Tash Wala game. So, if you follow these specific rules, you have a good chance of not falling asleep while playing this game repeatedly.

Tash Patti card games have variants you can play in casinos and gaming parlours to earn real money. 

Board Tash is also very common, but the opponents can see each other’s cards in this case. 

So, playing Tash games along the way could turn you into a pro, and you have a good chance of becoming a world-beater and earning a lot of real money. 

The user has a 52-card deck when playing tas wala. These 52 cards are subdivided into four suits: diamonds, spades, clubs, and hearts. As a result, each suite will have 13 cards. 

These numbers are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Ace, King, Queen, and Jack.

The Tash game was initially popular in the Indian subcontinent but quickly spread to many European and Asian countries. 

With most of the world’s population going online, the tas game has taken advantage of the opportunity to present itself as an online Tash Patti card game. 

With the ongoing lockdown and pandemics looming, one could enjoy a Tash Patti game with their friends from the comfort of their mobile/laptop/tablet. 

The Tash game has won over many people, which is why it is played in almost every home, especially during the holiday season. 

Rules For Playing Tash Patti

A dealer deals you new cards at the start of a Tash Patti game. When the dealer deals the card, you must bet, call, or raise after each round if you wish. You can increase your bet based on the cards you already have in your hand.

Everyone will do the same thing in a clockwise direction. The process is repeated until the pot is empty or a player with a high card wins. Let’s take a look at some popular Tash games. 

How many cards in your stash can you use? 

A deck of playing cards, known as tash, contains 52 cards. Aside from that, several jokers have been introduced that can be used.

Tips For Playing Tash Patti 

Whatever Tash game you play, you should try to follow the following tips and tricks as much as possible: 

-Always research your opponents and their overall playing style. The body language of your opponents will reveal numerous clues that will assist you in winning. 

-When you get good cards, don’t go all in. Instead, take your time and let the pot grow over time before playing your good cards. 

-If you have weak cards, remember to bluff your opponents. Never give your opponents any indication that you have a weak hand. 

-Keep in mind to remain humble, patient, and hardworking. 

-Learn the fundamentals of the game before venturing into higher-risk situations.

Different Types of Tash Patti Card Games


Nowadays, classic online poker is the best online casino card game. The game’s goal is to create the best hand possible using your two private cards and the five cards shared by everyone.

Because of the game’s popularity, there are now more than a dozen types of poker, such as Texas Hold ’em tournaments and single-player video poker games. 

Poker is one of the most profitable casino card games, with million-dollar prizes, progressive jackpots, and quick wins. However, mastering poker requires skill. 


Real-money blackjack games have higher payouts than most other casino games, especially if you choose a table with favourable odds. A dealer distributes cards to each player one at a time. The players must then use probability to predict whether another card will push them over 21.

If a player requests another card, the dealer hands it to them face up. If the total of all the cards on the table equals 21, the player wins.

If the player miscalculates and goes over 21, the game is over. If the sum is still less than 21, the player can choose to stop dealing or draw another card. 

The amount won in this tash card game is determined by the sum unfolded. 

Tash Bridge, Andar Bahar, Donkey, Mendikot, High Low, and other card games are also famous in India.

Satte pe Satta

It is a Tash Patti game played for centuries in India. The cards are dealt to each player, and the player holding the 7 hearts starts the game. Players on either side of this player are permitted to play 6s or 8s of heart. 

The gameplay is quite challenging, and the multiplayer aspect adds to the appeal. Satte pe Satta can be played with a 52-card deck and 3 to 8 tash wala players. 

The goal of the game is to finish with no cards remaining. The first player to get rid of all their cards in hand wins.


You may have heard a lot about this game recently. It’s in movies and TV shows, constantly sending email and text messages to your contact information. 

Rummy is a popular and challenging game. The goal is to create sequences similar to poker, but the sequences are a little more complicated. It necessitates strategy, critical thinking, and the ability to determine the best possible hand value from a limited set. 

The game can be played by 2 to 6 players. It begins with each player being dealt a hand of 13 cards from two decks of cards, regardless of the number of players. Here Each player must use their stack to create sequences. If they cannot do so with the cards dealt, they can exchange them for cards from the remaining stack. 

Each player must have two sequences: one pure sequence (three or four consecutive cards from the same suite) and one non-pure sequence. The second option is to generate a random impure sequence of consecutive numbers from various suites. 

A joker is declared in each game in addition to the printed card. They are chosen randomly but cannot be substituted in pure sequences. They are only useful in impure sequences to complete the set.


Many of us played it with Grandpa during our summer vacations and still use the techniques we learned in this game to play poker or simply bluff our parents. However, the latter is not widely supported. 

Bluff is a tash ka game in which 1 or more decks of cards are used, minus the jokers, depending on the number of players. Although 3 to 10 players are the recommended number, you can include more for a lot of laughter. 

All the cards in the single or combined decks are shuffled before being distributed evenly among all players. The first player to the left of the dealer places one or more cards face down on the table and declares a number.

For example, they can say they put down two 8s when they put down a 6 and a 2. The other players either join in to place more eights or bluff about which numbers they are also getting rid of. 

The players can call anyone’s bluff at any time, and if caught, they must pick up all the cards in that round. If, on the other hand, they successfully bluff and no one is caught, the cards are removed from the table, and the next player declares another number. 

The player who managed to bluff out of all their cards and is left holding none wins the game. The other players can continue to make decisions.

Teen Tash Patti

Teen Tash Patti is a challenging game in which the dealer deals each player with three cards. Each player hopes to have the best hand and wagers on their chances. If a player folds, they forfeit any money they have a bet. 

After all, players have placed their bets, and the cards are revealed at the end. The player with the highest value ranking hand wins the game and the best pot.


Tash Patti games have variants you can play in casinos and gaming parlours to earn real money. With the ongoing lockdown and pandemics looming, one could enjoy a game with his friends from the comfort of their mobile/laptop/tablet.

A deck of playing cards, known as tash, contains 52 cards. There are over a dozen different types of poker, such as Texas hold ’em tournaments and single-player video poker games. Classic online poker is the best online casino card game.

Satte pe Satta is a Tash game played for centuries in India. Players use probability to predict whether another card will push them over 21. Tash Bridge, Andar Bahar, Donkey, Mendikot, High Low, and other Tash games are also famous. Rummy is a popular and challenging game. The goal is to create sequences similar to poker.

It can be played by 2 to 6 players. Bluff is a tash ka game in which 1 or more decks of cards are used, minus the jokers, depending on the number of players.

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